Hi Bloggers!
During Silent Writing (SUW) I have been working on a story called Halloween Writing. This story is just based on a group of friends who are talking about Halloween in a group chat.
Here is a paragraph about Halloween on a group chat.
Halloween chat:
Mollie: Any of you guys on?
Samantha: Yes
Moana: Yes
Mollie: Okay sweet.
Mollie: I wanted to ask you guys something about Halloween.
Samantha: Sure
Moana: Okay!?
Mollie: Great, are any of you guys going trick or Treating?
Hannah: Hi, I am going Trick or Treating.
Mollie: Awesome. I am too.
Samantha: Maybe. It just depends if my mum will take me or if I go with a friend.
Moana: Nah, My family don’t celebrate Halloween.
Mollie: Oh ok!
Mollie: I was thinking that everyone on this chat could go trick or treating together.
Samantha: Sure. I will go and ask.
Mollie Ok. Anyone else
Ally: Oh Hi, Just been eating dinner. What have we been talking about?
Mollie: Hi Ally. We have been talking about Halloween.
Mollie: We were thinking that everyone on this chat could go trick or treating together.
Ally: I will go and ask.
Samantha: I’m back. My mum said that's fine. I can go for a while but have to be back home at 10:30.
Mollie: Great! I will go and ask my mum and dad now to.
Moana: My mum said maybe.
Samantha: Oh. Okay Don’t you hate it when your parents say maybe instead of yes or no when you are waiting for an answer.
Moana: I sure do.
Mollie: I have to go, but will talk tomorrow.
Moana: Okay bye!
Mollie: Bye
Samantha: Where’s Mollie Gone?
Moana: She said she had to go but will talk tomorrow
Moana: She said she had to go but will talk tomorrow
Samantha: Okay I will go too. Bye!
Moana: Same with me Bye.
Ally: Who left me hanging!!
You are so good at writing a story. You have a big imagination and it's good to use for things. I hope that one day your going to be a writer if you want. Have fun doing what you love.