Friday, June 2, 2017

My Silent Writing Story.

Everyday after lunch we have been doing Silent writing. This is a draft and there may be a few errors. My story that I have chosen for my writing is called the Dark Hole. I hope you enjoy!

                The Dark Hole!
One cold wet morning when Scarlet and Ivy were getting ready for their day , there pet dog ( called Diamond) started howling at them like there was something bad happening. Scarlet and Ivy turned the tight corner and in their  horror they saw a very black hole. Scarlet and Ivy dared not to go in but inside them they desperately wanted to. So both of them talked in a doggy voice and said to Diamond
“ Go into the black hole and if you see anything bad or mysteries go sprinting straight out and don't look back. Clear.” The dog barked and walked on in like a very posh lady. The girls laughed. They had never seen Diamond walk like that before.

About 10 minutes later Diamond had not come back, and the girls started to get worried. So after a few minutes Scarlet had an idea. What they were going to do was get a  piece of paper and a pen and draw up a plan that will save Diamond plus themselves (if they get lost.`) Later on Scarlet and Ivy had put together an awesome plan that will help them find Diamond. So after a while they packed their bags and checked each others just in case they had forgotten anything such as- Food, Water, clothing, the plan and a few things more. Once that was all done they locked every door in the house and frightfully walked through the mysterious black hole.

After a few minutes they were in a land of… Nothing. That was mysteries because if Diamond walked into this land he would of ran back through the dark hole. Scarlet and Ivy were getting very scared. What happened if they lost Diamond forever? Where was she? And is she ok ? Both of them started searching and calling out “ Diamond Diamond where are you. Come out come out wherever you are.” But even if they did that for 10 minutes or longer Diamond would not come. When it started getting dark ( even though at home it would only be 3.00) they both found a nice tidy place to set up everything and then got to work..

Firstly they got the tent out and put together all the teamwork they had and started putting it up. Once that was all done they unpacked everything that they had bought and started splitting off doing 3 jobs each. Scarlet had the job to cook there dinner, set up everything that she had bought along and also had to make a plan for tomorrow. Ivy had the job to clear all the dishes from the tables, set up everything that she had bought along from home and also had to make a plan for the next day just in case they were staying at the land of nothing for a long time. When Scarlet called out that dinner was ready Ivy ran to the table as fast as she could because she was desperately hungry from the big adventure that they had today. For dinner they were having ready salted rice with caramelized vegetables, spicy chicken and a thick gloppy sauce. Scarlet and Ivy had gobbled that up so fast because they were very hungry indeed. Once they had finished their dinner Ivy cleaned up everything and Scarlet got onto the best dessert ever that she was making.

Once Ivy had finished cleaning up she thought that while Scarlet was making dessert she would start on her plan to save Diamond. That took her a long time as when Scarlet called out that dessert was ready she had only written The Plan to save Diamond. Anyway for dessert that were having chocolate brownie with rich chocolate sauce and vanilla ice- cream with a touch of mutile colored sprinkles. They were both absolutely looking forward to this dessert. That was their favourite meal of the day! After dessert they both cleaned up what they had to clean up and then lit the fire because  it was getting quiet cold in this land of nothing. Once that was all done they both got into their polka dot PJ’s and sat down on a very spiky log and roasted yummy marshmallows. They did not roast that meany because they were very full from dinner and now dessert. After 20 minutes had gone past they blowed out the fire and went to bed. Today had been a very long day as because they had their own personal jobs to do and they were completely worried about their dog Diamond. Once they got all ready for bed they snuggled up in there sleeping bags and talked for a while about what they would do in the morning. After a while they were both fast asleep waiting for the day to come so they could find Diamond.

The next morning they both woke up at 4 in the morning which was a very great surprise to them because they got more time for them to look for diamond. They both spend out of their sleeping bags and ran towards the fire ready to cook breakfast But when they stepped on the floor something happened. The floor was made to ice and started falling apart. Scarlet and Ivy did not know what to do. What if they were stuck in their tent and then suddenly they fell  to another part that went down the the very bottom. Both of the girls were really scared. After a few minutes they both heard a barking sound. They both quickly thought that it might be Diamond. They sped out of the tent although they were not aloud on the ground ( as it was ice and could break on them) and then Scarlet spotted Diamond lying on the ground like she was badly hurt. They both ran over and had a look at Diamond. She had scratches all over her and her head had also been bruised very badly. Ivy said to Scarlet that she would run back over to their tent and get a stretcher and bring it back for Diamond. Ivy ran off and in about 3 minutes time she was back with a stretcher for Diamond. They both lifted her off the icy cold ground and putted her on the stretcher.

When they got back Scarlet grabbed the first aid pack and they both started band changing to the right ones and fixing Diamond up. When that was all done they picked up all the rubbish, put it all in the bin and then hugged and kissed diamond because they thought that they had lost her forever and were glad that they had found her. Later on when Diamond was feeling much better they thought that they would hunt for a way out of whatever this land was called. After a few minutes they had packed up everything that they had and started off on their way back home journey. Diamond had been looking forward to this because she got to lead the way of all the adventures that they were having anytime. Later on when the sun was setting Scarlet and Ivy were always looking at their watch because they were both panicking if they did not find the black hole in time before it was completely dark. They could end up in a completely different world that could take them ages to get back home again. About 15 minutes later Diamond started barking at Scarlet and Ivy. They both thought that Diamond had found the black hole. When they both looked straight they were both right. Diamond had found the black hole which they came out of. Scarlet gave Diamond a little treat to nibble on because he had found the black hole. After he had finished the treat Scarlet and Ivy sped as fast as they could so they do not miss the black hole. When they walked out they were all safely back home ready to unpack and chill back into their normal life at home.

The next day when they were both  getting up Diamond was not on their bed. Scarlet said to Ivy “ Please say that Diamond has not ran off again into the black hole”? Ivy looked around and said to Scarlet ” Unfortunately she has.” Scarlet screwed up her face and yelled out  “Why did she”.
To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. It is a very long story but really good, it is very good for a draft can't wait to see more


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