Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Term 1, Week 5, Free Choice- Touch

Quote of the day! (Chosen again by me!)
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Tolafa everyone! Welcome boys and girls and anyone else who is reading my blog today. (Also welcome to 2019!!) 
In this really impressive blog post today, I will be talking to you about touch that I partiapate in on a Wednesday. Roll on back and relax as you read about the wonder of touch.  

On Wednesday's after school, I particapate in a sport called touch. Touch is like rugby execpt you don't tackle. You have 7 in a line versing the other 7 in the other team. One team starts with the ball and then they try and get past the other team to get a try. If one of the people in the other team touch you, that counts as one touch. When you reach 6, it's hand over. Then the other team gets the ball and you have to try and stop them from getting a try and also trying youe hardest to touch them so it's quicker for you to help your team get the ball.  This is my third term of playing touch. It's so fun and I recommend you trying it and seeing if you like it. I really think you will!

My first term playing touch was really scary but in the end I got used to it. In that term of touch, my coach was Miss Hansen. She is really awesome and super fun!

In my second term of playing touch, I started to play really well and almost scored a few trys. At the award for touch, I got MVP. (Stands for: Most Valuable Player!) I was so happy with myself! For that term, my coach was Maureen. She was super cool and always cheering us on and encouaging us to finish the challenging battle. 

Finally this term (My third term) I have just started this season. So far it's going good but I am a little scared and also getting used to touch. Guess who my coach is! Miss Hansen! YAY!! Like I said earlier she is so cool and really fun and I feel very lucky to have her as a coach again for this term's touch. 

Have you ever played touch before? Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not? 

Credit: Sport Quotes

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