Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Term 1, Week 3, Free Choice- Kaupeka Digi Awards!

Quote of the day: (Chosen by me!)
"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the Human Spirit. We are all in this notion together. The potential for greatness lives with-in each of us. "

Hello and welcome back to 2019! I hope you guys have had a great first few weeks of the new year. Before I start to get into today's blog, I will be telling you guys that every time I do a blog post, the starting of it will be with a quote. The qoute will fit into the theme of the blog! Anyway, let's begin!

Today in this lovely deep thought-out blog post, I will be talking to all the people that are reading this blog post about the Kaupeka's Digi Awards. Let's begin!

Through out Term 1 of 2019, our PBL topic is "What is Greatness?" (PBL= Project Based Learning.) Over the term we will be talking about Greatness, Who we think shows Greatness the most, Some Greatness activites and then our final thing- our Kaupeka Digi Award project that fits in the theme of Greatness. 

For the Kaupeka Digi Awards, we will be using the criteria and the rubrics of the Canterbury Digi Awards. We will be judged on all the things that are included in the rubrics and then the best out of everyone in Kaupeka who fits into all the requirments will win a prize and one of the placings.  The catergorys that we can enter into are: Storytelling, Commercial, Coding, Open and Website. We also can enter with people in our group or by ourselves. I am doing a website with my friend Samantha. We will be including a video about Greatness and how we can show it in school time, Some info on Greatness and what it is, Some coding animations about Greatness and some detailed Google Drawings around Greatness. We have a clear plan on what we each of us have to do and are ready to face the big challenge that is coming ahead really soon.

At the end of the term, we will have our own Kaupeka Digi Awards were we have a look at everyone's entries and applause everyone who did a great job out of their chosen catergory as well as winning that certain place with the prize. 

Have you ever particpated in some sort of Digi Awards before? If so, what category did you enter in and did you win? If you haven't, why not face your fear and give it a go. I am 100% sure you will like it!!. 

Credit: Success quotes

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