Thursday, February 14, 2019

Term 4 Week 8 Blog Post (Pool Day)

Tolafa Lava everyone,

Have you ever wondered why the warm swimming pools and slippery hydra slides are so fun? Well today I will be telling you about my school's pool day that happened on the 30th of Novemver 2018 and why it was so fun.
Lets get to it!

On Friday 30th November 2018, The Kaupeka hub and the Tumu hub went on a pool day to Waltham Pool. We went on a pool day to reward ourselves how great we have done this year and also for a end of year treat. When we arrived, we found a spot on the wet muddy grass and listened to the life guards instructions and rules. When that was finished, we got changed into our togs and rubbed sun screen all over our body that was open to the air when we were in the pool. When that was done, the teachers let us go into the pool, group by group. I was super excited! Me and my friends pushed each other in the pool (Well they did to me at least!) and then we started playing. We played with the water guns that we bought, Chased each other for tag and more. It was getting so much fun!

Later on me and my friends went back to the muddy grass to have something to eat as all the swimming had made us very tired. (We were definitely going to get a really good sleep that night!) When our food have settled, we went back in the pool until it was time for us to go on the hrdra slide. I was really excited for that!

When it was time for us to go on the Hydra slide, we were really excited. We climbed up the slippery wet stairs and then waited in line until it was our turn to go down. When it was our turn and the whistle blew, we pushed oursleves down the slide and off we went. It was so so so fun!

Later on around 2:00 they called us in to start packing up our stuff and to start getting changed. We headed to the changing rooms and got changed. After we had got changed, we started lining up in our homebases and waited until we were about to go on the bus back to school.

It had been a really fun day and can't wait for it to happen again next year!

Have you ever done something with your school before? If you have what did you do?

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Summer Learning Journey Teaser!

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